How to overcome self-loathing

So that your self-loathing tendency doesn’t drag on any longer, here are some ways you can try to overcome it.

Reducing self-criticism

Evaluating what you have done so far is certainly a good thing because it can help you improve yourself.

However, you shouldn’t give yourself too much criticism, let alone lead to hatred.

One way you can reduce self-criticism is to appreciate every effort you’ve made.

Even though you haven’t produced maximum results, at least you have tried and tried your best.

Start learning to love yourself

Self-love or loving yourself is one of the best ways to fight self-loathing.

Start self-love by remembering how you treated other people when they were hit by failure.

Do you criticize the mistake or see it as a way of learning from it? Well, try to apply these thoughts to yourself.

If you can do good and care for others, you …

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Principles of Healthy Food for Children, Parents Must Know 2

Without realizing it, being busy at work or doing activities every day sometimes makes parents pay less attention to choosing healthy food sources for children.

For this reason, most children are very fond of buying unhealthy snacks because they do not understand the side effects.

Healthy food sources of fat for children

Nearly 60 percent of the human brain consists of fat. That is why, fat is one of the important molecules that should be in a healthy food source for children.

Omega 3 fatty acids, for example, can help develop the brain in infants and children.

Even though it’s needed in adequate amounts, that doesn’t mean you can give too much fatty food.

It is important to know that fats are divided into two major groups, namely good fats and bad fats.

Food sources with good fat content include …

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