Camping is one of the great ways to take a break from a busy lifestyle. But sometimes we cannot completely be disconnected from others. We may need to depend on our phone for GPS tracking and gathering information about the camping location. We may also require help in case of an emergency.
If our devices run out of power and we don’t have a power connection, we cannot charge them to turn on. In this regard, a solar panel helps us charge our devices so that we cannot be disconnected. So, when it comes to camping gear, a solar panel comes in the list and must be given the most priority.
Choosing the best solar panel for camping is a pretty daunting task. You might get confused about selecting the right one among plenty of options out there. To ease your finding job, we’ve given a review of an excellent solar panel below, especially for camping so that you can make the right decision.
The Monocrystalline Solar Panel from Renogy is one of the best solar panels available on the market today. It is sleek in size but provides you a lot of power. It’s also a perfect option for making off-grid applications. Besides, this solar panel comes with some essential features that you should check before purchasing this solar panel. So, let’s get started!
Durable Construction
This solar panel features a durable aluminum frame that also makes it corrosion resistant. It can endure snow loads of 5400pa and a high wind of 2400pa. Also, it provides Maximum System Voltage, like 600V DC and open-circuit voltage for 22.5 Volt. Again, it offers optimum operating current up to 5.29 Amps and short-circuits current up to 5.75 Amps.
Ergonomic Design
This excellent solar panel features low-iron tempered glass, which is significantly more robust than regular glass. Alongside the tempered glass on the front, this panel includes a plain white TPT back sheet and a grey frame surrounding the panel. That’s why you’ll find this panel looks outstanding.
Faster Charging
This panel is perfect for 12-volt battery charging. It can also recharge the power stations within 3 to 5 hours, depending on weather and battery size. For fast charging or larger sized batteries, you can connect multiple panels with it. In this case, the MC4 connectors make your task a lot easier.
Easy Installation
When it comes to installation, this panel offers pre-drilled holes on the back so that you can easily mount it. The panel is also compatible with a variety of mounting options, such as pole mounts, tilt mounts, and z-brackets. Besides, it includes diodes that are pre-installed in the junction box.
- Comes with durable construction and warranty
- Features waterproof junction box
- Ensures a wide variety of functions
- Weighs about 16.5 pounds
- Offers easy installation and use
- It might get quite warm when running all-day
You can use this solar panel for camping with family and friends. Since it weighs only 20 pounds, you can easily handle it without any difficulties. However, if you’re looking for one of the high-quality solar panels for your upcoming camping, this one may be a suitable option for you.