How to Handstand | Train to Balance on Your Hands

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Handstand as an exercise and as yoga posture is a beautiful thing. It has so many benefits and good sides. Some of them are for your muscles, and others are mentally beneficial.

Doing it, however, is not as easy as some might think. It requires serious preparation, devotion, and training. No one manages to achieve this on their first try, so don’t expect to do it right away.

Still, if you want to do it, particular issues need to be overbridged. In this article, we’re going to talk more about how to handstand, and what are the most important steps in achieving success. Keep on reading if you want to know everything about this process.

1. Learn about the entire procedure

Before doing anything, it’s wise to look up on the internet what other people think about it and what do they do to be successful in it. Do your research and watch or read some of the experts in the field.

Simply type in the search engines about what you want to see and spend some time learning. The professional athletes and gymnastics are making this look too easy. However, without proper preps, it won’t be possible.

Also, check out what are the benefits and why is the handstand good for you. You’ll be amazed by the positives sides of this exercise. There are so many mental and physical benefits, that everyone should try it at least a couple of times in the week.

2. See how others do it

While there, don’t forget to see how the pros are doing it. See how they prepare and what muscles they activate. Don’t hesitate to look for their ways of getting upside down on their hands. There are numerous ways to do it. Seeing is learning, and in this case, it’s completely true.

3. Start small

After seeing the tutorials, it’s time to give it a try. Don’t push yourself directly into doing something tremendous. You need to do it with baby steps. Do some of the positions that are going to help reach the final position.

For example, you should practice achieving the bridge position with your body first. This is a position in which you push yourself toward up with your legs and arms. It strengthens your arm and leg muscles and makes you more confident.

Do this a couple of days before you go on to the next step. If you feel no exhaustion whatsoever from this, then you’re probably strong enough and ready to do more.

The next step should be standing with your feet on the wall. When you see pros doing it, it seems like this is the easiest thing in the world. It’s not. When you’re a beginner, everything seems too hard. Still, don’t despair, just keep on trying and you’ll see that soon you’ll be walking on your hands.

When you achieve standing on your hands with your feet touching the wall, you can say that you passed most of the hard parts. You managed to get yourself upside down. Now, the rest is up to your brain and your muscle strength.

When you feel ready, push yourself a little off the wall and try to maintain balance. You’ll see that it seems too hard to do it at the beginning. Remember that this is like you’re trying to walk for the first time in your life. It’s not easy. No one learned riding a bike on their first attempt.

4. Make sure you’re safe

One of the crucial issues you need to consider is the chance to get hurt while doing it. It’s strongly advised that you take all the objects around you while trying to achieve a handstand.

The reason for this is simple – you will most certainly fall a couple of times. If there are objects around you, you’ll hurt yourself. If you take everything aside, you’ll only fall on the ground.

To prevent injuries from this, it’s recommended you place a couple of mats. Leave an empty space only in the middle. The hands should have a firm surface so you can achieve perfect balance. When you fall, it will happen on something soft, and you’ll be safe.

5. Don’t be afraid to fail

Even though it’s great to take some precautions, it doesn’t mean you should relax and never achieve the handstand. Push yourself to the limits, and don’t be afraid to fall. If you fail a couple of times, you’ll only learn faster. If you’re afraid to raise your legs, you’ll only fall from a less high distance, but still hit the ground.

6. Think about breathing

Breathing is an important part of the entire exercise. When you’re trying your best to tighten the muscles and maintain a firm posture, you’re going to hold your breath. If you try to inhale, the muscles will loosen, and you’ll lose the perfect posture.

However, after you achieve perfection, and you feel confident in standing on your hands, you can start by breathing short and occasionally. This is not easy, but after some time, you’ll learn how to take normal breaths, and you’ll see that you’ll manage to stand on your hands without any problems, breathing just the way you’re doing it while walking on your feet.


It’s not hard learning to handstand. You just need confidence and training. Everything in life can be achieved if you convince yourself that you can do it. This is just a wonderful exercise that everyone can do. Learning how to do it and being patient while seeking perfection is a must here.

The six points from above will be helpful if you’re a beginner. The first steps are always the hardest ones. It’s only logical.

When you manage to do it with ease, you’ll be happy to have one of the best exercises for the entire body strength. Also, it is a great yoga and meditation technique that everyone loves. See this link if you want to see some of the many benefits.