Dentist as a Career and other Oral Care Professions


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Can you still remember your childhood days in school, when your teacher asked you what you want to be when you grow up?  During those days, some of you said that you would like to be a teacher, policeman, soldier and doctor to name a few. But later on, those who would like to be a doctor have chosen a career, such as dentists, surgeons, gynecologists and neurologists. You became doctors in different fields and has now been treating patients well.

For those who have chosen to be in the field of dentistry, this must have been your dream. May be you are now a successful individual, who is working as a general dentist in your country. Whatever your reason is for pursuing this career must have been good enough to be of service to many people. Even a small and simple town needs a dentist to care for the oral health of the residents. One day, if you have someone to encourage about being a doctor then let them what profession they can take.

General Dentists

It would be great to work as a general dentist, who would surely love to provide care for your dental needs. As you walk into a dental clinic for a checkup, you are sure to look for a consultation. Of course, this dentist will check your tooth, diagnose the problem and give you a proper treatment. He will be the person to manage the overall wellness of your oral needs. If it is necessary to perform root canals, bridges, crowns and fillings, then he will do it for you.

A general dentist must have earned a degree as DDS or Doctor of Dental Surgery. It could also be that he have earned a DMD or Doctor of Dental Medicine degree. He must have attended his training and practiced his profession well to be a specialist in this field. Because of his capability, he can be able to provide preventive education for his patients. 

Oral Pathologists

Pathologists are also needed in the field of dentistry. These experts specialize in diagnosing the causes of the oral diseases that may affect or had affected the structure of your teeth, jaws, cheeks and lips.

He is the one in-charged with diagnosing the biopsy, lesion or tissue that an oral care provider have presented.  This person will need to study and examine the sample or case. After a thorough study, he must be able to provide an accurate diagnosis. Through this, the problem will be determined and the dentist can give the best and possible treatment immediately.


Because you did not take care of your teeth, then you may be experiencing oral problems, such as gingivitis or periodontitis. You may go to a general dentist for a consultation about your oral disease. But the treatment would be impossible without the help of a periodontist. So, the two of them need to work on this together. Though some dentists are also periodontists and that is possible, if they have studied it, too.

As a periodontist, you have to provide the right treatment for oral diseases. Once the disease was already diagnosed, he will provide ways on how to prevent it from damaging the tissues of your mouth, gums, teeth and bones. When treating diseases, the patient may be provided with various procedures like pocket cleanings, crown lengthening, root planting, tissue or bone grafting, implants and osteoplasty. Click here for additional reading on common oral health issues.

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Pediatric Dentists

While your kids are still young, you should not fail to take them to a dentist for oral care. We have pediatric dentists, who will provide treatment to their oral health problems. These experts specialize in diagnosing and treating children from 1 year old to early adulthood stage. Kids always cry and are often afraid, but this expert knows how to deal with it.

Kids always have problems with tooth decays, missing tooth, crooked and even crowded teeth. You cannot prevent this from happening as they grow older. Now, a pediatric dentist will handle such situations. Aside from that, he was also trained on how the teeth must develop and grow. Since kids are the patients here, he will then be in-charged on the behavior of this patient about his teeth.