Want to be a doctor! Generally this sentence say when young children are ask about their ideals. Yes, it’s not surprising, because the profession of a doctor has always been the dream of many people. The main attraction of this profession is its role as a helper and has a heroic impression. Just imagine, the time it takes you to become a general practitioner is approximately 5.5 years and the time you need to become a specialist is approximately 4 years.

During that long period of time, what would the prospective doctor do? To find out about this, here is a description of the stages of medical college that you will undergo, starting from choosing a major to earning a specialist degree.
Graduated from high school majoring in science
To become a doctor, you have to plan it since high school by choosing a science major. Precisely since the issuance of the regulation, it is stated that the entrance selection can only be attended by high school graduates or the equivalent majoring in natural sciences with the condition that they are not color blind, physically and mentally healthy and free of drugs.
Bachelor of Medicine course
After completing your education at the high school level majoring in science or vocational high school in the health sector, you are declare a graduate, then you must enroll in the Doctoral Education Study Program at the S1 level. There is a difference between the Bachelor of Medicine study system and other majors, namely the Bachelor of Medicine lecture system uses a block system. The use of this block system does not allow students to choose the courses they want to program in that semester, but the course components are already program in each block.
Physician Professional Program
After completing the Bachelor of Medicine program, the next step is to join the doctor’s professional program or what we usually know as coas (young doctors). During this program you will place in different hospitals and different polyclinics.
That doesn’t mean it’s without reason! The main goal is for you to learn about various existing cases. To ensure that you have mastered the expect competencies, you will be tested with several test methods such as mini clinical evaluation exercise (mini-CEX), OSCE, CBT, and so on.
The form of the exam is that you will conduct interviews and examine patients, then analyze the results to come up with a diagnosis of the disease, and prescribe medicine to the patient in the presence of examining doctors.
Competency exam (Certification)
The competency exam or certification exam is the final exam that you must pass to earn the title of doctor. The exam consists of two stages, namely the Doctor Profession Program Student Competency Test (UKMPPD) at the faculty level and at the national level. The form of the exam consists of 2 types, namely the medical theory test in the form of CBT and the clinical skills practice exam in the form of OSCE.
After successfully obtaining a doctor’s degree, you can say that your study process to the extent of obtaining this degree has been complete. However, this title will only be a name decoration because you are not yet allowed to practice as a doctor.
This stage is actually not a specific prerequisite to go to the next stage, but it is important for you to do this if you are already a general practitioner. By opening an independent practice, you can enrich yourself with references regarding public health conditions and current issues related to health.
Specialist education
Specialist education in the medical profession is an elective program. You don’t need to take this program if you just want to become a general practitioner. However, if you still want to study medicine in a certain field, that means you have to continue with specialist education. It is very likely that your interest in medicine in a certain field will arise during independent practice due to interactions with many patients who require special treatment.