How to treat pressure sores on buttocks?


Pressure sores or pressure ulcers usually affect the area of the skin’s underlying bone area. When a person has to sit for a longer time in an un-comfort sitting space, it may restrict the supply of blood and cause an effect. Due to limited blood flow skin cells start getting damage and cause pressure sores. It is an adverse skin related issue affect the hip bone, ankle, back or buttock.

People who are in a wheelchair due to any serious illness, an older person or anyone with limited mobility are at high risk of pressure sores on the buttock. But the treatment of pressure sores is possible if diagnosed at an early stage.

Who are at risk of pressure sores?

Pressure sore can affect anybody with limited mobility or one who has to sit for a longer time in a particular area. Usually, the people who are older and unable to move without help can be affected by the pressure sores. Multiple other reasons can cause a pressure ulcer. People including the following need extra care to avoid the pressure sores:

  • A person who is ill for a longer time and on a bed or use a wheelchair.
  • A diabetic is at risk of pressure sores because the chance of irregular blood flow is higher due to tissue or nerve damage.
  • A person with a lack of nutritional food intake.
  • If a person is having soft and fragile skin, then chances of sores are high.

How do you get to know about pressure sore?

To find out the sores at the initial level it is necessary to do the daily examination of the particular areas like the back, ankle and especially buttocks. If you found the change in the skin color, pain in a particular area, soft skin, numbness or any kind of infection, then you should consult the health care advisor. Because these are the initial signs of having the issue of sores.

Treatment of pressure sores on a buttock

At the initial stages, the pressure sores can easily treatable with some tips and tactics. It includes the following precautions that help a lot in the treatment of the pressure sores.

First of all, you need to identify the area where you feel pain or sores. The best way to treat is to use comfortable sitting pads, sheets or support that helps to improve the blood circulation. Sheepskin products like cushions, mattresses, and sheets are soft and a good source of comfort.

If a person is in a wheelchair or on a bed due to a long illness, then it is important to change the sides right after 15minutes. For older people, it is recommended to move after two hours and have a light walk with some help but it helps a lot to treat and avoid the pressure sores.

Keep the skin dry and use the powder to avoid friction and rubbing. Because sweat can cause skin soft and can cause infection.

For healthy skincare, it is important to use the proper moisturizer to keep skin soft and avoid the dryness at all. Dryness can increase the chances of skin tissue damage or cracks.

To improve health, it is necessary to consume the necessary nutrients to keep the blood circulation good. Because the reduction in the blood circulation can put a person at high risk of the pressure sores on the buttocks.

If you need to work for a longer period on a chair, you must use the comfortable chair to sit and make a move right after a few minutes or hours of sitting. Should avoid sitting in a particular position for a longer time.

Light exercises and body stretching routine are proven to be effective to reduce the pressure. As well as good for the blood circulation.

A person should avoid stress and need to take proper sleep with good food to reduce tissue damage or poor blood flow.

Pressure sores can be even worse if not properly diagnosed and treated well on time. So, the people who have limited movement and in a wheelchair should need special attention to avoid such a situation.

Final consideration!

Pressure sores or pressure ulcer is something that can affect anybody. But those who are limited with the movement and on the bed due to immobility or due to long term illness are at high risk. Pressure sores affect the buttock because this area is usually used in sitting and laying. Poor blood supply, dry skin, moisture or fragile skin and pressure on the skin due to sitting and bone pressure can create the pressure sore or damage the tissue or skin cells. But with good nutritional food, proper exercise and take care of the habits it can be treated.